


Beauty DIY Recipes · Wellness Travel · Maui Spas

A Maui Wellness & Beauty Blog

Here are my 10 favorite tropical flowers for beauty and cosmetics recipes. 

In the world of handcrafted cosmetics, the demand for beautiful natural ingredients is undeniable. And what could be more captivating and exotic than fresh tropical flowers? 

These blossoms not only infuse your skincare and cosmetic products with vibrant colors and enchanting fragrances but also offer a plethora of beneficial properties for your skin and well-being.

Also, they are really pretty and fun to work with!

Let’s dive into the realm of tropical blooms for beauty and discover the best flowers to incorporate into your beauty and cosmetic recipes.

No. 1 — Hibiscus: The Radiant Skin & Hair Elixir

Hibiscus, the state flower of Hawai’i, is such a vibrant and happy blossom. It comes in many, many remarkable color combinations and shapes.

tropical hibiscus flower can be used for cosmetics

While it has no scent, it holds surprisingly remarkable benefits for both hair and skin. Its potent antioxidants combat pollution and free radicals, while its gentle properties make it suitable for various skin types. 

I love it in hair products! Hibiscus leaves are great for gentle shampoos, while the flowers are used in Ayurvedic Hibiscus Hair Oil that leaves your tresses shiny and strong.

No. 2 — Jasmine: The Sensual Delight

Jasmine, renowned for its delicate petals and captivating scent, has an enduring role in cosmetics. It’s been a favorite for centuries, found in iconic perfumes like Chanel No. 5.

jasmine tropical flower on Maui

Its aromatic essence adds allure to products like perfumes, creams, and serums. With its antiseptic benefits, jasmine promotes skin health, while its romantic aroma is often considered an aphrodisiac. 

From historical perfumes to its potential to enhance arousal, jasmine’s versatility makes it a prized beauty ingredient.

My favorite way is to use it is in a sensual Jasmine Massage Bar.

No. 3 — White Ginger (Awapuhi Ke’okoe’o): The Hair Perfumer

White Ginger, known as Awapuhi Ke’okoe’o in Hawaiian, carries a rich history of traditional use. Among the native people of Hawaii, this aromatic flower has served as more than just a fragrant adornment.

tropical white awapuhi ginger used for hair cosmetics

Awapuhi Ke’okoe’o was used to create natural shampoos and conditioners that cleansed and softened hair, while its anti-inflammatory qualities were embraced for soothing skin irritations.

I like to use it in this way as well, as a Awapuhi Hair Co-wash.

If you can’t get your hands on ‘awapuhi, Paul Mitchell makes his own version of wild white ginger shampoo.

No. 4 — Ylang-Ylang: The Uplifting Seductress

Ylang Ylang is one of the OG essential oils. A sexy classic! 

fragrant ylang ylang tropical flower vine used for cosmetics

You’ll never forget the experience of smelling Ylang fresh off the vine! Some people say it smells like a floral version of juicy fruit gum. It’s a sweet, uplifting aroma.

In aromatherapy, ylang ylang oil is believed to have various therapeutic effects, including reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation, and even aiding in enhancing mood and sensuality. It’s often used in blends or diffused to create a calming atmosphere.

I love to make this sexy, tropical island Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Solid Perfume with lime. 

No. 5 — Tiaré Flower: The Exotic Sweetheart

The Tiare flower, often referred to as the Tahitian gardenia, holds a place of honor in the world of beauty, particularly in the legendary Monoi de Tahiti. 

This traditional Tahitian oil is created by infusing Tiare blossoms in coconut oil, resulting in a luxurious elixir cherished for its myriad benefits. 

A shimmery Monoi de Tahiti was my absolutel favorite beauty product as a teen. It smells so alluring and exotic! And with some glimmery micah in it, I thought it was the height of luxury and sophistication!

Here’s our recipe for Monoi de Tahiti with Tiare and shimmery micah. 

No. 6 — Clove Bud: The Forgotten Treasure

Let’s not forget the clove bud, often overlooked as a flower. Yes, it’s a flower, namely the unopened bud of the clove flower. 

Clove is a potent antioxidant and antimicrobial agent that can enhance your beauty recipes. Its warming scent and stimulating properties can invigorate your skincare routine, making it a valuable addition to scrubs, massage oils, and facial treatments.

I love this Spiced Coffee Scrub where clove is front and center.

No. 7 — Tuberose: The Sensuous Enchantress

Tuberose, with its heady and captivating fragrance, brings a touch of sensuous enchantment to your beauty rituals.

Its aroma is known to be both relaxing and aphrodisiac, making it an exquisite addition to perfumes and body oils. 

Tuberose also possesses skin-soothing properties, making it a wonderful choice for bath products and body creams.

This Tuberose Milk Bath is luxurious and super easy to make.

No. 8 — Passionflower: The Eccentric Bringer of Peace

The passionfruit flower, also known as “lilikoi” in Hawaiian, is a captivating botanical gem renowned for its strikingly, unique appearance.

Beyond its looks, the lilikoi flower holds a treasure trove of valuable compounds for beauty and cosmetics. Its a source of antioxidants, essential vitamins, and nourishing essential fatty acids.

Extracts derived from the passionfruit flower have also demonstrated potential sedative and anti-anxiety properties.

Here’s a recipe for a calming Lilikoi Face Mist.

More Tropical Flowers For Beauty & Cosmetics

While those 8 are my top favorites of tropical blooms to use in cosmetics and beauty applications, we’ve barely scratched the surface here.

You might say, “Emma what about plumeria or melia in Hawaiian, a type of frangipani? Or puakenikeni, gardenia, stephanotis, osmathus, ‘awapuhi kuahiwi, kahili ginger, heliotrope, achiote, or even banana flower.” Yes, all these are amazing tropical flowers and they can be used in some beauty recipes.

For many of them, the essential oil is notoriously hard to extract or distill. I’m ever disappointed with store-bought oils, which are often just a mix of other sweet floral scents and smell too artificial.

To get their true scent most are best used fresh.

Creating Your Own Beauty Elixir From Any Tropical Flower

Here are two beauty recipes designed to really bring out the fragrance of tropical flowers. Pick a basket full and start drifting off into tropical paradise.

My favorite and super easy recipe is this Tropical Flower Lei Coconut Milk Bath. It’s so easy it’s cheating; yet it’s a better bath than what I’ve experienced at many spas.

And here’s the recipe for a Tropical Flower Perfuming Hair Oil that will leave you turning heads all day because of that heady tropical fragrance.

Important: always ensure you’re sourcing your flowers from reputable sources to guarantee their purity and efficacy!


Check out these popular Hawai’i skincare recipes:

> Enzymatic Papaya Pineapple Face Mask

> Ginger Spice Massage Bar

> Ayurvedic Hibiscus Hair Oil

Hope to see you in paradise soon!

10 Tropical Flowers for Beauty & Cosmetics



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