Step 1: Delve into the fundamentals of aromatherapy, and engage in a blind smell test to heighten our senses and discover the scents that resonate uniquely with you.
Step 2: Explore the abundant botanical resources that Hawai'i offers, and learn how they can nourish and revitalize your whole body. You'll engage all your senses—even tasting!
Step 3: Learn the ABCs of crafting handmade cosmetics to create effective and personalized beauty products.
Step 4: Hands-on experience, working with fresh, local ingredients, creating your own unique treasures that reflect the beauty and
essence of Hawaii.
Step 5: Engage in lively discussions about all things beauty-related, sharing tips and insights with fellow beauty enthusiasts.
The Best Part: You'll leave our DIY Maui cosmetics workshops with exquisite, handcrafted beauty products made by you!
I loved the smells, the textures, and the freshness of everything. The ocean salt scrub we made is amazing!! It reminds me of my Maui vacation!
I loved the smells, the textures, and the freshness of everything. The ocean salt scrub we made is amazing!! It reminds me of my Maui Vacation!
– Joyce, San Jose